- Author: Don M Chance
- Published Date: 04 Nov 2005
- Publisher: Cengage Learning, Inc
- Format: Hardback
- ISBN10: 0324380186
- ISBN13: 9780324380187
- Publication City/Country: Mason, OH, United States
- File size: 20 Mb
- File name: An-Introduction-to-Derivatives-and-Risk-Management-(with-Stock-Trak-Coupon).pdf
- Download Link: An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management (with Stock-Trak Coupon)
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Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management (with Stock-Trak Coupon): Don Chance, Roberts Brooks: 9781133190196: Books - introductory investments course, currencies and derivatives seemed to be too the more complex games, Stock-Trak was used due to its generally almost certainly will improve their ability to manage their own take risk, even if the student is not fully aware of the amount of risk he or she is taking. About This Product. Coupling real business examples with minimal technical mathematics, the market-leading INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVES AND RISK MANAGEMENT, 10TH EDITION blends institutional material, theory, and practical applications to give students a solid understanding of how derivatives are used to manage the risks of financial decisions. 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